7 Dimensions Of Wellness
Wellness is the pursuit of continuous improvement and balance in the seven aspects of “Well-being.” Many individuals primarily consider wellness in terms of their physical health. The phrase conjures up images of food, exercise, weight control, blood pressure, and so on. Wellness entails a lot more than just bodily wellness. Physical, mental, and spiritual wellness are all part of it. Quality of life is the result of a complicated relationship. Wellness often has seven aspects. Each dimension impacts and overlaps the others, and each contributes to our personal feeling of well-being or quality of life. One may be more prominent than others at times, but neglecting anyone for an extended period has negative consequences for overall health.
Emotional dimension
Emotional wellness is a fluid condition that varies with the other six aspects of health regularly. The ability to feel and express human emotions such as happiness, sadness, and rage, defines emotional health. It includes the ability to love and be loved, as well as a sense of personal fulfillment. Positivity, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and the capacity to communicate sentiments are all indicators of emotional wellness.
Social Dimension
Social wellness refers to our ability to successfully contribute to our global society while also meeting the expectations and demands of our commitments. Learning strong communication skills, gaining closeness with people, and forming a support network of friends and family members are all part of this process. Respect for others and oneself is an essential aspect of social well-being. Giving back to your town and the world makes you feel more at home.
Intellectual dimension
The intellectual component supports intellectual endeavors that are both new and fascinating. Like our bodies, our minds require regular stimulation and exercise. People with a high degree of intellectual wellness have an active brains and are learning new things. An intellectually healthy person takes advantage of the resources available to broaden their knowledge and develop their abilities.
Physical dimension
Physical wellness entails several good practices, such as getting enough exercise, eating appropriately, and avoiding hazardous habits like drug and alcohol misuse. It includes knowing about and recognizing disease signs, having regular medical examinations, and safeguarding yourself against injuries. Developing these healthy behaviors will help you live longer and improve the quality of the years to come.
Occupational dimension
Occupational well-being is preparing and putting your strengths, skills, and talents to good use to find meaning, enjoyment, and richness in your life. Your attitude toward your work affects your professional happiness and well-being. Maintaining good occupational well-being helps you keep a positive attitude and find satisfaction.
Environmental wellness
Environmental wellness entails being aware of the earth’s unpredictability and the impact of your everyday behaviors on the physical environment. It involves preserving a style of living that emphasizes harmony with the land while minimizing environmental damage.
Spiritual dimension
Spiritual well-being has a set of concepts or ideas that guide one’s life. It entails a level of faith, hope, and devotion to one’s own beliefs, which gives life meaning and purpose. A spiritually healthy individual seeks a balance of internal and external elements.